The BEST client getting hook I’ve seen that brings in $500, $1k, $2.5k + per month in rent
Agency owners bust their asses, in the name of landing clients.
Only to be left sitting on the bench, hoping the next client CHOOSES THEM.
It ain’t ‘cos they’re bad at what they do.
It’s the exact opposite.
In my experience, what holds most agency owners back is…
…They’ve not had an ‘EASY YES’ offer.
Often, our ability to offer everything from SEO to Funnel Builds to Paid Ads can act like an emergency brake for clients, bringing the sale to a hard stop.
These fandango services are super important but they almost always come with a HUGE ASK.
Mr Client, in order to get you great results with SEO, you are going to have to pay me $1K+ per month, for 3 months before you start ranking.
Mrs Client, in order to get you great results with Paid ads I first need you to have a salesperson in place, quiz funnels built, money for ad spend, and a follow-up system in place.
We’re having to ASK the client FOR MORE… before we’ve even started.
It’s no wonder we hit a wall of resistance and get benched.
Using a Sales Android as a ‘door opener’ is all about GIVING clients something that will have an instant impact on their business.
It’s about getting them better results from LESS sales staff, LESS leads, in LESS time and with LESS advertising costs.
See how much easier it is to say YES to Less?…
…and when you’re Giving rather than Asking.
Look what it did for Brent:
His offer is so easy to say yes to…
…He’s now the one DOING THE CHOOSING. Not the clients.
I know I’m a little biased, but…
There isn’t a niche/industry that you can’t rent a Sales Android to.
We’ve got folks closing recurring deals in Home Services, Financial Services, Wellness.
…we’ve got Dog Trainers, MedSpas, Chiros, Realtors, Dentists, Roofers, Gym Owners, Hypnotherapists.
I can’t find an Industry that a Sales Android won’t help.
Now, I’ve had a lot of teaching folks how to ‘Rent Out Their Androids’ live…
…but I’m just a regular dude and only have so much time.
This has left a lot of people who want to start bringing in multiple 5 Figs per month in recurring income – on the outside looking in.
So, I’ve been releasing the ‘Rent Out Your Android’ programme to a few folks who’d rather move at their own pace anyway, and wouldn’t ya know?
They are adding zeros to their bank account WITHOUT my help in a weekly workshop ????
I’m still putting the final touches on things but it’s almost ready to rock.
If you’d like to get 1st dibs…
Click the button below and get the Pre-Release Details
Sales Page:_
Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid
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